Protocol testing tools examine how data packets are sent across a network. The test procedure involves the use of routers and switches to create portions of the equipment and goods tested.
It also allows for the development of dependable and high-performance network connectivity. Devices would be unable to interpret the electronic signals they send when conversing via network connections if protocols were not there.
A network transmits packets containing encrypted binary data. Furthermore, several protocols include a header to hold information about the message's sender. The network protocols provide a description of the sender and recipient of the communication at the beginning of the message. A footer is also included in a few protocols.
As a result, network protocols focus on recognizing headers and footers when transferring data between devices.
There are two types of protocols − routed protocols and routing protocols.
In basic words, a router acts as a transport vehicle that helps people commute, whereas routing protocols act as traffic lights.
Different protocols are employed depending on the nature of communication. Companies such as CISCO, JUNIPER, and ALCATEL manufacture networking equipment such as routers, modems, wireless access points, Protocol testing consists of determining if EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) or OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) or any other protocol is operating in accordance with its relevant standards.
The OSI model contains seven levels of network interaction, with layer 2 and layer 3 being particularly important.
A protocol analyzer and simulator are required for protocol testing.
A protocol analyzer provides correct decoding as well as call and session analysis. The simulator replicates various networking element entities. Protocol testing is conducted by connecting the DUT (device under test) with alternative network components such as switches and routers to examine the data packet structure.
It examines the device's scalability, performance, protocol strategy, and so on using tools such as lxNetworks, Scapy, and Wireshark.
Protocol testing encompasses functionality, performance, protocol stack, compatibility, and other aspects. The protocol testing conducts 3 tests −
Protocol testing may be divided into two types. Functional tests, as well as stress and reliability tests. Load testing, stress testing, and performance testing are all examples of stress and reliability tests. Negative testing, conformance testing, interoperability testing, and so on are all part of functional testing.
Let's go through the most significant testing tools for protocol verification.
Scapy is a sophisticated packet modification software that can be used interactively. It allows you to −
Scapy receives responses and sends packets. You specify the data packets, it transmits them, receives responses, matches requests with responses, and provides details of packet pairs and unpaired packets.
It also tests trace-routing, unit testing, network discovery, probing, etc.
Scapy allows us to create a Python script that performs a task such as exchanging or sniffing packets. Scapy, for example, can sniff a data packet with Python script.
Command getdit file in the editor −
#gedit #!/usr/bin/env python from scapy.all import* a= sniff(count=5) a.nsummary()
Save, and change the mode of the file into an executable form
#chmod+x # ./
It will sniff 5 packets and then output the report after sniffing 10 packets. Scapy also has a command array for transmitting packets simultaneously.
Wireshark is a protocol testing tool. It allows you to collect real-time packets and show them in a human-readable format. Wireshark records packets that aid in determining when a session is created, when the specific data transit began, and how much data is transferred each time, among other things.
Wireshark provides a plethora of useful functions, including
TCCN helps in designing and implementing Test Scenarios for protocol testing. A TCCN test suite is a collection of test cases developed in the TTCN programming language for reactive systems or behavioral testing.
For example, a coke machine will give you coke if you input a $ 1 coin but will ignore any other coin. The TCCN3 programming language is used to program similar machines. To have the coke machine respond when a coin is inserted, we must create a TCCN- suite acts as a coke machine. It permits us to conduct our research before a commercially accessible coffee maker is released.
When it is complete, we will link the TCCN3 test suite to the external device.
It generates stimuli ( $ 1 coin) and collects responses (coke). The stimulus adapter collects stimulus from the test system and sends them for response. The response adapter monitors the system for replies and forwards them to the test system.
TCCN3 can be utilized in a variety of applications, including
We may define in TCCN −
TCCN can be used with systems written in other languages such as ASN.1, XML, and C/C++. Apart from tabular, graphical, and presentation formats, the TCCN3 core language is available in text format.
Here is the sample test case for routers −
One VLAN on One Switch
Build two different VLANs. verify the visibility between hosts on different VLANs
Three Symmetric VLANs on One switch
make three different asymmetric VLANs. Check the visibility between hosts
Spanning Tree − Root Path Cost Variation
Test how the Root Path Cost is changed after a topology variation
Spanning Tree − Port Blocking
In the presence of VLANs, see how the spanning tree protocol prevents the creation of cycles in the network by blocking redundant links.
Different Root Bridge for Different MSTI
Demonstrate that each MSTI may have a unique Root Bridge.
Visibility between different STP Regions
Examine visibility between various STP areas using the same VLANs.
Telephone switch Performance
Make 1000 phone calls to see if the phone switch is still operational or if its performance has deteriorated.
Negative test for device
Enter the incorrect key and verify the user for authentication. It should not be possible for a user to gain access.
Check that the device is running at 10Gbps and using all of the available bandwidth to handle incoming traffic.
Protocol conversation rate
Track a TCP communication between two devices and ensure that each device is behaving correctly.
Response time for session initiation
Calculate the response time of a device to an invite request for session initiation