Your rights and responsibilities

These booklets are given to you when you sign the tenancy agreement. The booklets are also available from the RTA and help you to better understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.

Tenancy agreements (leases)

Read about the different types of tenancy agreements and how they affect you.

Moving out

If you are moving out, you should:

Getting your rental bond back

To get your bond back, you must apply to the RTA after your tenancy has ended.

Property maintenance and cleaning

As a tenant, you are responsible for keeping the property/room clean and in good condition. Find out information about:

Resolving disputes

For information on resolving disputes, refer to legal and dispute support.

Protections for people renting experiencing domestic and family violence

If you’re experiencing domestic and family violence:

Visit Domestic and family violence – information for tenants or contact the Residential Tenancies Authority on 1300 366 311 (8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) for more information.

More information

For more information on your rights and responsibilities as a tenant, contact:

Useful resources

Help with costs

If you require financial assistance for essential goods and services to keep you safe, help is available through the Flexible Assistance Package for costs such as removalist, property damage repair, transport and white goods.

For more information about the Flexible Assistance Package and to get help with your specific circumstances or needs, contact your nearest Housing Service Centre.

Last updated: 15 September 2023 Last reviewed: 25 August 2022